Newly deceased couple Adam and Barbara’s home is bought and their happy afterlife if thrown into turmoil. After failing to get ride of the new inhabitants themselves, they turn to Beetlejuice for help and get more than they ever bargained for.
This review is part of the 31 Films For Halloween Series
In the opening sequence of this film we’re treated to a fly by of Winter River, Connecticut, backed by some wonderful music by Danny Elfman. The music is completely at odds with the serene look of the town below us and sets the tone perfectly for the rest of the movie. The flyover we were seeing was actually an overview of a scale model of the town that the film is set in and plays quite a large role in the film.
Our lead charact…
Director: Tim Burton
Stars: Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Gena Davis, Winona Ryder
Katy’s Rating: 8/10 – Great