Goosebumps follows Zach, a high school kid who is moving from New York to small town America following the death of his father. He accidentally unleashes a horde of monsters on the town after opening a book that he should have left alone.
This review is part of the 31 films of Halloween review series
For those of you who aren’t twelve, Goosebumps is a series of 62 (yes, sixty two!) books that featured child characters in mildly scary situations. The series was first started in 1992 so it was a bit late for me to read although I was aware of the titles thanks to the eye-catching covers I would see in the bookstores.
Goosebumps follows Zach, a high school kid who is moving from New York to small town America following the…
Director: Rob Letterman
Stars: Jack Black, Dylan Minnette, Odeya Rush
Katy’s Rating: 6/10 – Fair